
Cucumber-Mint Dip

A refreshing dip brought to new levels with fresh AeroGarden herbs!

Submitted by AeroGardener Cheryl Vagen

½ cup 2% fat plain Greek yogurt (I use Dannan Oikos Greek Nonfat Plain Yogurt)
¼ cup grated cucumber
2 minced scallions (white part only)
8 chopped fresh mint leaves
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. garlic powder
A bunch of chopped dill (Optional)

Combine all the above ingredients in a bowl. Garnish with dill, cucumber slices, or mint leaves, if desired. I like to chop a bunch of dill and add a few pinches of it with the other ingredients.

This is great as a dip for vegetables, pita chips and pretzels. Or grab your favorite meat and some bread and use it as a spread for your sandwich.

Add some Salad Greens and Heirloom Tomatoes for a special treat.

For appetizers, stuff Heirloom Tomatoes and garnish with Genovese Basil. You can even use it as a salad dressing.

Use your imagination when using this healthy dip. It is good in so many ways.