
How to Make Green Beer with Wheat Grass

Learn how to naturally dye your beer with wheat grass juice.

Enjoy your Saint Patrick's Day this year with the perfect pint of green beer! Learn how to naturally dye your beer with wheat grass juice. Grow your own wheat grass in our new MicroGreens Kits for the Harvest and Bounty AeroGardens!

How to:

First, juice your desired quantity of wheat grass. You can learn how to juice wheat grass here. Next, add drops of the wheat grass juice to your beer until you reach your desired green color. Keep in mind that as you add more drops, the beer will turn darker green, but will also have a more grassy taste.

Try growing wheat grass with one of AeroGarden's grow lights, such as the 45 Watt Grow Light Panel.

Types of Beer:

We tested three types of beer that you could pair with your wheat grass. Here are our recommendations...

  1. Winner: Copper Kettle Brewing's Citrus Paradasi
    • Type: Citrus IPA
    • Why: The citrus dry hoppy attributes of the IPA create a strong flavor that masks the taste of the wheat grass.
  2. Runner-up: Ska Brewing's True Blonde Ale
    • Type: Blonde Ale
  3. Loser: Franziskaner Weissber
    • Type: Wheat Beer
    • Why: Unless you like the grassy flavor, we do not recommend pairing a wheat beer with wheat grass.


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