
Get growing with Aerogarden! Grow fresh herbs, veggies, and flowers all year round with Aerogarden.
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Discover which plants are toxic to cats and learn how to create a cat-safe indoor oasis. Transform your home into a safe paradise of greenery with AeroGarden.
Read on to learn about toxic plants to avoid and explore dog-friendly options. Create an indoor pet-safe haven with AeroGarden today.
While earlier yields will be dwarfed by later harvests, your garden will be healthier because you did it.
You can grow cacti in your AeroGarden from seed or transplant.
The depth of red that will eventually develop depends on a variety of factors.
Gardeners get the most from their effort when they keep the plot in steady production through the growing season.
How to store your favorite seeds for better germination.
Here are a few tips for maximizing your success from pod to pot!
Basil is a very fast growing herb and the tops can occasionally get up into the light hood of your AeroGarden before you even know it!
"Instead of seed pods, the AeroGarden gardening system has smart pods."
Spinach seeds have the reputation of being slow, but here's a technique that gets them up and growing.
Learn more about how to water your AeroGarden plants.