Always Local, Safe & Sustainable
It can't get any more local or fresh than from your own kitchen counter!
From the minute you harvest fresh produce from your AeroGarden, you can rest assured that what you are about use is safe, free of herbicides and pesticides, and loyal to the health of the planet. Herbs, salads and vegetables can’t get any fresher than picked right from the plant, any more local that your kitchen counter, or any friendlier to the planet because there is no shipping or packaging required.
Fresh Herbs At Your Fingertips
Just think of the benefits of always having fresh herbs at your fingertips and using just the amount you need when you need it. There’s no worry about wasting unused store bought produce because the next time you need it, just pick it right off the plant, right from your counter.
Growing at home eliminates the need to travel to the store and doesn’t require the plastic packaged produce to be delivered to the store in the first place, which in turn reduces your carbon footprint. Speaking of friendliness to the planet, did you know that growing hydroponically uses up to 75% less water than a traditional garden. Consider growing fresh in an AeroGarden before making your next trip to the store – even small decisions can make a big difference to our planet.
More of what you love
Explore helpful tips and flavorful recipes to keep you growing and inspired.