
Bad Garden Bugs

Bugs can find their way to your garden whether on clothing, on other plants or produce, or through an open window or door.

Little bugs can find their way to your garden by riding in on clothing, on other plants or produce, or through an open window or door. If you find some unwanted guests, spray your plants with water to wash them off. Make sure you spray UNDER the leaves as bugs usually reside there. For more persistent pests, an insecticidal soap may be used.

See: Safe Bug Repellents You Can Make at Home

The most common pests for indoor gardens are aphids, mealybugs, scales, spider mites, thrips, and whitefly.


These "plant lice," weaken the plant by sucking the liquid out of its leaves, resulting in curled-wilted-yellowish leaves and ultimately stunt plant growth.

Aphids are small (1/8 inch long), soft bodied, pear-shaped insects that may be green, yellow, brown, red or black in color depending on species and food source. Generally adults are wingless, but some can grow wings, especially if populations are high. They have two whip-like antennae at the tip of the head and a pair of tube-like structures, called cornicles, projecting backward out of their hind end.
-Planet Natural


A natural remedy are Rhubarb leaves, which are semi-poisonous to aphids and can be brewed into a tea.

  • Pour boiling water over crushed rhubarb leaves and let soak for three days
  • Strain and remove leaves
  • Add a few drops of detergent
  • Dilute tea with water and spray over infested plants
  • Repeat every 10 days