Indoor Gardening 101: Finding the Light
Learn how to choose the right lighting for your plants!
The Right Light for Indoor Gardening
Many classic house plants such as spider plants and ficus trees grow well in the relatively low light levels found in most homes and apartments. With many other plants however, more light is needed to succeed. Salad greens and fresh herbs like basil, chives, and cilantro require a more direct sun or supplemented artificial light to thrive. Even in a sunny window, an herb garden may grow slowly and still not offer big yields. These plants just need more light for fast, healthy growth, and the simple addition of grow lights may increase yields by 500% or more.
Flowering plants like tomatoes, peppers, or petunias require even more light than herbs and salad greens- either the "perfect" sunny window or higher powered grow lights. Grow Light technology has advanced by leaps and bounds over the last few years and so have AeroGardens. All of our models now use state-of-the-art LED technology to deliver up to 50% more growth while using up to 60% less power than AeroGardens with CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lights) Grow Lights. All AeroGardens tailor the light spectrum for optimal growth by concentrating daylight white light for fast growth, blue light for bigger yields, and red light for more flowers.
All AeroGardens come with automated, built in LED grow light panels that provide everything plants need to produce and flourish – no need for a sunny window! When planting your seed pods, make certain your Grow Lights are at the lowest possible position. Basil is usually the first to sprout and grows rapidly, but avoid raising the lights until all other plants are well established. Create space for slow-growing plants by trimming and pruning the surrounding plants frequently so they do not actually touch the Grow Lights. Always keep your plants an inch or two below the lights as they are growing and don't hesitate to prune if needed; your plants like it!