
The Benefits of Growing Your Own Plants

There are many benefits when you grow at home.

It seems like lately these have been some pretty strange times to be alive. We miss our friends. We miss going out. Heck, we miss running a quick errand without worry! So while we adjust to doing absolutely everything we can from home there's one thing we shouldn't neglect to take care of: Ourselves! Growing your own plants whether for food or to give your eyes something pretty to look at has always been a great idea and never more so than now. The health benefits are numerous, but here are just a few that we can think of:

While it feels like there's no end to these strange times in sight, there's something truly soothing about seeing new life moving forward. The excitement of seeing your seeds sprout, your veggies ripen, or your flowers bloom can provide a boost to your day AND your self esteem. It's also a great stress reliever because gardening tends to lower cortisol levels* and who couldn't use some stress relief right now?

Gardening can help improve your sleep* habits! Experiencing restless nights? Actively tending to your plants can help with that!

If you grow your own veggies*, you don't have to buy them. That alone is a fantastic bonus, but when you grow your own veggies and herbs you have the added benefit of eating something fresh and safe because you've watched over the process from start to finish. Eating healthier all of a sudden becomes so much easier when you've got the goods on hand.

With all the work emails piling up, pets running wild because they haven't been to the dog park in a month, and sorting through your kiddo's e-learning pile is causing the ol' blood pressure* to slowly rise, we've got news for you. Just 30 minutes of moderate gardening can help to bring it back down.

So, has all this got you excited about getting started? Great! If you're looking to try out something simple at first allow us to suggest our Heirloom Salad Greens Seed Pod Kit! Or are you feeling the need for some flowers to brighten up your new at home work station? If you'd rather pick and choose your own seeds, why not give our Grow Anything Kit a shot? Pop any of these kits into your Aerogarden and get started today.





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