How much energy does the AeroGarden use?
We take pride in the low amounts of energy that AeroGardens use.
Model = AeroGarden Farm
Wattage Used (Average) = 126 watts
Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $7.30 per month
Model = AeroGarden Bounty
Wattage Used (Average) = 48 watts
Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $2.78 per month
Model = AeroGarden Harvest
Wattage Used (Average) = 23 watts
Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $1.33 per month
Model = AeroGarden Harvest 2.0
Wattage Used (Average) = 15 watts
Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $0,87 per month
Model = AeroGarden Sprout
Wattage Used (Average) = 13 watts
Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $0.75 per month
To calculate how much energy an AeroGarden uses, we use the following formula:
The number of hours each day that your AeroGarden is on (based on type of garden planted and AeroGarden type itself) | X | Wattage figure given in the above table for your model AeroGarden (divided by 1000 to convert it to kilowatts, as used by the electric company) | X | 31 days a month | X | The cost per kilowatt hour charged by your utility company (in this case $.11 kw/hour) |
For example, in a cubicle in one of our offices at AeroGrow, we are growing Gourmet Herbs (on 17 hours a day) in an AeroGarden Bounty (which uses 48 watts, or 0.048 kilowatts, of power). This AeroGarden is on for 31 days a month, at an average utility rate of approximately $0.11 per kilowatt hour of electricity.